Literacy History - Blog Assignment # 1-- DUE Sunday September 8, 2019 Greetings, my name is Randy Thomas but most call RJ for short. I am currently a senior here at NJCU. My major is Global Business and with global business I plan to one day travel the world, while also trading stock and selling real estate. Some of my hobbies include weight lifting, dancing, drawing, and playing basketball (I played for the NJCU Men’s Basketball for two years). When it comes to the earliest experience of becoming literate, I can think back to the early ages of five and six years of age. I grew up having bad hearing so I would have to watch television with the volume exceptionally loader than usual according to my parents. So, the solution was closed caption. No, I was not able to read every single word, I was able to identify words and understand what was going on, on the show. So, I can think back to moment when my parents took me shopping for a pair of sneakers that I wanted to...
Showing posts from September, 2019